Session information:
• The interview (60-75 minutes learning
all about YOU)
• Inducing the Theta State – Done with
creative visualizations to induce and
“wake up’ the SC
• Listening to what your SC has to say.
This is usually the part where past lives,
present life scenarios, or symbolic stories
are shared by the subconscious. These
could be some things you already know
but some you don’t and will be surprised
to find out!
• Questions for your SC. You will come in
with a list of questions that you want
me to ask your SC. This is a live Q&A
with your subconscious mind.
• Debriefing and Integrating Process
(Connecting the information learned
to aid in current life growth and healing
for your best life)
You will receive a recording of the session to
listen to and study by email following your
One session: $300 Anywhere from 3-6 hours
(This goes by super-fast) If it takes longer,
there is no additional charge.