Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
“Heather has an incredible gift. Through her guidance, I was able to connect with my higher self and gain clarity on issues that have troubled me for years. The experience was life-changing.”
Sarah M.
Welcome to Your Path of Self-Discovery
Your subconscious mind has the answers to everything about you. It knows exactly what is needed for your healing on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level
About QHHT
QHHT is a form of hypnosis designed by
Dolores Cannon. Dolores used all of her
best tools and practice techniques over
the 45 years of her hypnotherapy profession,
to create a specialized technique that is now
called QHHT. This hypnosis technique is a
direct ticket to speak with your higher self
or subconscious mind (SC). Your subconscious
mind has the knowledge and power to heal
you on a mental, physical, emotional, and
spiritual level. It will take us to the root issues
of wherever in time you need to observe for
healing. This could be in your present life or
another lifetime. Or perhaps it could be a
mental movie your spirit team will show us
to relay important messages. From the time
you book your session with me, your higher
self and guides begin to piece together the
exact stories and events to observe that is
necessary for your healing or curiosity.
Every session is unique and tailored to you
by your higher self, and you will be surprised
at all the many things it has been waiting to
tell you that you have never known